April 20, 1914 Francis Miller’s Birthday Spread

On Francis Miller’s Birthday she invited friends to a “Spread”in her room. They usually were late at night and involved sleepwear, food and lots of laughter. (Whitworth Archives)

Martha Bell’s Diary Mon. April 20 1914

Jeannette is back again and it is good to have her here. We’ve had lots of fun tonight. I’ve felt quite hilarious all day and so have the rest, I guess, so Pearl and Mid decided to come in here and break study hour. We were sitting around the table in a regular aid society circle talking to beat the band when there was a knock on their door. We were sure it was “Dougie” [Miss Douglass] and such a scramble you never saw but fortunately it was only some C.E. girls to see Pearl.

Last night the Miller girls had a dandy spread. It was Frances’ birthday and she had some beautiful American beauty roses. They spread a spread on the floor and had the most attractive table with the roses as a center piece and the prettiest chocolate cups.

We had a dandy speaker in Vespers yesterday. He spoke on the development of character thru tribulations and it was one of the best we’ve had this year.

Francis Miller’s Birthday “Spread” note the chaffing dish in the background. (Whitworth Archives)

Next Entry April 24, 1914

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